Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn8389471187 City of Oakland Local Government

Counts of customers on EV rates from 2010 to current, by month.

Data downloaded by City of Oakland on 7/15/2022 Completed 07/15/2022
rn7588784185 City of Redding Local Government

Monthly energy usage for City of Redding, by commodity, for 2019-2022.

Data sent via encrypted email on 3/10/2023. Completed 03/08/2023
rn3514183282 University of Southern California Academic Researcher

Aggregated gas usage data for PG&E service territory.

No communication from them for months; considered withdrawn as of 9/15/2022 Canceled 09/15/2022
rn1683260414 County of San Mateo Local Government

Yearly usage data for cities in San Mateo County for 2021, Res vs. Non-Res.

Data successfully received on 5/23 via encrypted email; data was delayed by encryption issues that took approx. a week to resolve. Completed 04/07/2023
rn1286016358 Harvard University Academic Researcher

Two anonymized sample data sets for residential customers monthly usage, 1/1/2013 – 12/31/2017.

Data downloaded on 8/16. Completed 12/29/2023
rn1214349343 City of Colusa Local Government

Monthly usage data by sector for the City of Colusa, for 2022.

Data sent via encrypted email on 5/1/2023 Completed 04/05/2023
rn6784054568 City of Foster City Local Government


Request appears to be for data that is not covered under EDRP though alternative resources may be applicable. Canceled 05/04/2023
rn1818428937 City of Elk Grove Local Government

Non-residential gas usage for 2021

Data sent via encrypted email on 5/25 Completed 04/27/2023
rn1581783678 San Jose State University Academic Researcher


Request does not meet EDRP criteria. Canceled 05/04/2023
rn6077620481 University of Chicago Academic Researcher

Usage and usage releated data for random samples of TOU customers and a control group on non-TOU customers.

Data is on hold subject to TSR completion. Approved - In Progress
