Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn1167886813 Cupertino Main Street Loft 301 Community Services & Development


Submitted in error; requestor wants their own usage data, which is supplied by other programs. Canceled 05/17/2023
rn1247672425 City of San Jose Local Government

Counts of electric vs. electric & gas customers by sector and, for residential, by zip code and by single family vs. multi-family.

Data sent via encrypted email on 9/22/2022 Completed 09/02/2022
rn3060222402 City of Fremont Local Government

Community-scale electricity and gas consumption data in Fremont, broken down by sector and rate plan, by year for the years 2020 and 2021

Data sent via encrypted email on 12/19/2022 Completed 12/19/2022
rn2066773994 test Academic Researcher

Canceled 08/03/2022
rn1692913545 County of San Mateo, OOS Local Government

Usage data for a specific public library.

Not eligible for EDRP but data is available via alternate programs. Communicated these on 12/22/2022. Canceled 12/22/2022
rn1247846280 h Local Government

Request is not properly filled out and is not from a valid City of Livermore email account. Canceled 09/15/2022
rn2931841316 City of Sacramento Local Government

Monthly gas data for Sacramento.

Data sent via encrypted email on 11/21/2022 Completed 11/21/2022
rn6097758860 Arizona State University Academic Researcher


An incomplete submission was submitted in error. Held open for resubmission but then cancelled after approx. six months with no communication. Canceled 05/24/2023
rn2746149935 Northpoint Investors Community Services & Development


Requestor is not eligible for the EDRP program. Canceled 09/30/2022
rn3530911396 President and Fellows of Harvard College Academic Researcher

Billing data and EE Program participation for 5% of PG&E Single Family Residential customers, randomly selected.

Request withdrawn by requestor. Canceled 03/03/2023
