Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn2790968528 San Mateo County Energy Watch Local Government

Usage data by ZIP+2 and ZIP+4, peak KW, project costs, incentives, copay for all projects SMCEW has completed

Requestor was referred to PG&E's Green Communities program. Canceled 06/24/2015
rn4108830455 City of San Jose Local Government

Usage data by ZIP+4 for all SJ ZIP codes

Requestor was referred to PG&E's Green Communities program. Canceled 06/29/2015
rn3121885290 County of Santa Barbara Local Government

Counts of customers on Demand Response programs, by city, for Santa Barbara county.

Data sent via encrypted email on 5/6/2024. Email included a release for publication. Completed 05/06/2024
rn2883304436 Mutual Housing California Community Services & Development


Requestor is not eligible for EDRP program and data may be for SMUD customers. Referred requestor to both SMUD and PG&E's Building Benchmarking Program. Canceled 06/21/2024
rn1033105890 California Air Resources Board

Hourly interval data (kWh) and daily gas usage (therms) by Census Block Group.

Notification letter out on 7/22; data due 8/19-9/6. Approved - In Progress
rn2764869023 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher


Appears to be an update of rn2201998501 from January 2020 Approved - In Progress
rn2524685919 University of California, Berkeley Academic Researcher


Requestor was able to work with publicly available data. Canceled 06/13/2024
rn3520704714 Ca Dep. of Community Services & Dev. Community Services & Development

Average usage and revenue, by commodity, for all counties in PG&E service territory.

Data sent to CSD on 2/20 via encrypted email. Completed 02/07/2024
rn2251210911 Harvard University Academic Researcher

An anonymized sample data set for residential customers monthly usage, 1/1/2013 – 12/31/2017, split by Census Block Group.

Data due 6/18-28 subject to completion of the cybersecurity Review Approved - In Progress
rn8286549391 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Usage and usage related data, including outage data, for PG&E's service territory.

Notification letter out on 3/27, data due 4/24-5/7 subject to successful completion of NDA and TSR. Completed 06/21/2024
