Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn3409854585 EES Consulting, Inc. Local Government


EES Consulting, Inc. is not eligible to request data from EDRP. It is also not clear whether this data is actually for Butte Choice Energy, in which case the data request should be routed to the Community Vitality team, not to EDRP. Canceled 04/20/2022
rn3476045767 University of California, Davis CWEE Academic Researcher

Interval and identifying information for all customers on agricultural rate schedules in zip codes specified by UCD. Also matching PG&E pump test data where available.

Data downloaded on 5/22/2020. Completed 08/18/2020
rn2249080588 City of Arcata Local Government

Anonymized monthly residential gas usage

Data sent via encrypted email on 3/27 Completed 02/20/2020
rn3320215259 County of Santa Barbara Local Government

Aggregated energy usage data and customer counts, by sector, for City of Arcata in 2018

Data provided by secure email on 2/11/2020 Completed 12/19/2019
rn1621308987 The Regents of the University of Califor Academic Researcher

Detailed electric usage for Yuron, Delano, and Fresno.

File corruption issue necessitated re-uploading and re-downloading the files. This was completed on 9/4/2020. Completed 11/26/2020
rn6686876109 City of Sunnyvale Local Government

Total usage and number of billed days, split by commodity and residential vs. non-residential, for 2019.

Data sent on 3/5 via encrypted email. Completed 02/12/2020
rn2770190546 University of California, Davis CWEE Academic Researcher

Interval and identifying information for all customers on agricultural rate schedules in zip codes specified by UCD. Also matching PG&E pump test data where available.

Initial file availability on 5/20 with download on 5/22 but there were problems with two files that delayed final download till 6/22/2020. Completed 06/19/2020
rn1743780563 EES Consulting, Inc. Local Government


Request is not an EDRP request; it is a CCA related request which goes through a separate team within PG&E. Canceled 01/14/2020
rn2201998501 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage data for the PG&E service territory.

Data was on hold for an extended period pending CCA data approval. Data available for download as of 12/30/2020. Completed 06/03/2021
rn3246863720 Ca Dep. of Community Services & Dev. Community Services & Development

Average usage and billing amount per household, and total number of residential households, by county, for residential households in PG&E's service territory.

Data sent via encrypted email on 4/7/2020. Completed 02/26/2020
