Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn7182691647 UC Berkeley Ag & Resource Economics Dept Academic Researcher

Usage and usage related data for Power Saver Rewards Program (PSRP) participants and a non-participant control group.

Notification letter sent on 7/5; data due 8/2-16 subject to completion of cybersecurity review. Approved - In Progress
rn3067584444 UC Davis Academic Researcher


Request is superseded by rn1587717518, California Air Resources Board, request. The CARB is able to request the data under their statutory authority, but UC Davis was not. Canceled 07/19/2023
rn1167886813 Cupertino Main Street Loft 301 Community Services & Development


Submitted in error; requestor wants their own usage data, which is supplied by other programs. Canceled 05/17/2023
rn1040209541 Marc-Us-One-Inc Community Services & Development


Does not appear to fit the EDRP program. Emailed requestor for more information, but cancelled the request after one month with no follow up. Canceled 07/17/2023
rn1268012108 UCSB IEE Academic Researcher


Withdrawn by the University Canceled 06/22/2021
rn3154944778 Michigan State University Academic Researcher

Anonymized data for 60k randomly selected residential customers split into Solar and non-Solar customer pools.

Data delayed due to TSR and NDA related issues; downloaded on 5/25/2021. Completed 05/25/2021
rn3567984493 Ca Dep. of Community Services & Dev. Community Services & Development

Average usage and billing amount per household, and total number of residential households, by county, for residential households in PG&E's service territory.

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/23/2021. Note that this was processed as a repeating request, a repeat of rn3246863720. Completed 02/18/2021
rn3423101933 UCSB IEE Academic Researcher

Monthly and interval usage for a random selection of customers in Yuron, Delano, and Fresno.

Data downloaded on 6/11/2021 Completed 06/03/2021
rn2669679750 County of Marin Local Government

Yearly gas and electric usage for all the cities in Marin County, split into residential and non-residential sectors.

Data sent via encrypted email on 4/29 Completed 03/11/2021
rn2800896372 University of Michigan Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage and usage related information, including SmartRate/SmartAC participation, for two random samples of customers from Climate Zones 3, 12, 13. One random sample of customers on non-TOU rates, and one random sample of customers on TOU rates.

Data downloaded on 3/30/2023 Completed 06/27/2023
