Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn3938977059 UC Davis: Dept of Ag and Resource Econ Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage data for customers on the AG-4A and AG-5B tariffs during December 2019.

Data due 5/1-14 subject to TSR approval. Approved - In Progress
rn6869140031 County of Yolo, California Local Government

Yearly consumption data for gas and electric, split by city (or unincorporated county) and by sector.

Sent data via encrypted email on 3/13. Completed 02/14/2024
rn2898639911 County of Marin Local Government

Yearly consumption data for gas and electric, split by city (or unincorporated county) and by sector.

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/21/2024 Completed 01/23/2024
rn5456315383 City of Trinidad Local Government


The requestor has asked that the data request be withdrawn. Canceled 03/13/2024
rn2286516755 City of Ferndale Local Government


Cancelled on 3/28 due to lack of communication / progress. Canceled 03/28/2024
rn1373437704 City of Eureka Local Government

2022 Usage by Sector, with number of customers and CO2 emissions.

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/27. Completed 01/08/2024
rn3054211442 University of California, Davis Academic Researcher

Billing, interval, and EE Program adoption data for a list of customers provided by the university.

Notification letter went out on 5/3. Data is due 5/31-6/13 subject to TSR approval and additional NDA from UC Berkeley, where the data will be stored. Approved - In Progress
rn2420806842 County of Humboldt Planning & Building Local Government


The requestor has asked that the data request be withdrawn. Canceled 03/15/2024
rn7131478567 City of Albany, CA Local Government

Residential usage data for the city, split by commodity, zip code, and single family vs. multifamily.

Notification letter out on 1/23; data due 2/20-3/3, subject to completion of the Terms of Service (TOS). Approved - In Progress
rn2064382815 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Basic monthly billing data ($ and kWh) and CARE data: propensity scores, post-enrollment verification dates, re-certification dates.

Data downloaded on 1/26/2024. Completed 01/26/2024
