Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn1913129602 City of Lodi Local Government


Status updated to "withdrawn" after extended period without any communication. Canceled 08/16/2024
rn2764869023 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage data for the PG&E service territory.

Data complete on 11/8/2024 Completed 11/08/2024
rn1708770368 University of California San Diego Academic Researcher

Usage data, both billing and interval, for a set of EV charging stations. Charging stations identified from a list of addresses provided by UCSD.

Data due 12/30/2024 - 1/10/2025 subject to successful completion of cybersecurity review. Approved - In Progress
rn1033105890 California Air Resources Board

Hourly interval data (kWh) and daily gas usage (therms) by Census Block Group.

Data was uploaded on 9/17 and downloaded on 9/24/2024 Completed 09/17/2024
rn2883304436 Mutual Housing California Community Services & Development


Requestor is not eligible for EDRP program and data may be for SMUD customers. Referred requestor to both SMUD and PG&E's Building Benchmarking Program. Canceled 06/21/2024
rn7687875383 City of San Carlos Local Government


City has decided their Community Inventory can substitute for their EDRP request. Canceled 08/23/2024
rn1117484563 The University of Texas at Austin Academic Researcher


Working on data description. In Review
rn3593476688 County of San Mateo Local Government

Yearly usage data for cities in San Mateo County for 2023, Res vs. Non-Res

Data sent on 11/20 via encrypted email. Completed 10/07/2024
rn7831047141 Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage and usage related data for residential customers within the cities of Arvin, Bakersfield, Fellows, Fresno, Del Rey Oaks, Fowler, Paso Robles, Selma, Taft, and Templeton

Data complete and posted as of 4/16/2024 Completed 04/16/2024
rn3054211442 University of California, Davis Academic Researcher

Billing, interval, and EE Program adoption data for a list of customers provided by the university.

Notification letter went out on 5/3. Data is due 5/31-6/13 subject to TSR approval and additional NDA from UC Berkeley, where the data will be stored. Approved - In Progress
