Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn2170356143 County of Marin Local Government

Total usage by year by municipality by commodity for all of County of Marin, 2017-2021

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/6/2023. Completed 01/09/2023
rn2804180972 City of South San Francisco Local Government

2021 Monthly gas and electric usage data for South San Francisco and number of accounts

Data sent via encrypted email on 3/9/2023. Completed 02/07/2023
rn3530911396 President and Fellows of Harvard College Academic Researcher

Billing data and EE Program participation for 5% of PG&E Single Family Residential customers, randomly selected.

Request withdrawn by requestor. Canceled 03/03/2023
rn2746149935 Northpoint Investors Community Services & Development


Requestor is not eligible for the EDRP program. Canceled 09/30/2022
rn1070622005 Ca Dep. of Community Services & Dev. Community Services & Development

average residential usage data in kWh and dollars (bill) by month, electricity and gas, and by county, and total number of customers by county for electricity and gas.

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/16/2023 Completed 02/07/2023
rn2931841316 City of Sacramento Local Government

Monthly gas data for Sacramento.

Data sent via encrypted email on 11/21/2022 Completed 11/21/2022
rn1247846280 h Local Government

Request is not properly filled out and is not from a valid City of Livermore email account. Canceled 09/15/2022
rn2066773994 test Academic Researcher

Canceled 08/03/2022
rn3060222402 City of Fremont Local Government

Community-scale electricity and gas consumption data in Fremont, broken down by sector and rate plan, by year for the years 2020 and 2021

Data sent via encrypted email on 12/19/2022 Completed 12/19/2022
rn1247672425 City of San Jose Local Government

Counts of electric vs. electric & gas customers by sector and, for residential, by zip code and by single family vs. multi-family.

Data sent via encrypted email on 9/22/2022 Completed 09/02/2022
