Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn3627228404 Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage and usage related data for all residential and commercial customers enrolled on PG&E’s Solar Choice programs and an equal number of randomly selected non-participants

Data complete and posted as of 4/26/2024. Completed 04/26/2024
rn6869140031 County of Yolo, California Local Government

Yearly consumption data for gas and electric, split by city (or unincorporated county) and by sector.

Sent data via encrypted email on 3/13. Completed 02/14/2024
rn2064382815 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Basic monthly billing data ($ and kWh) and CARE data: propensity scores, post-enrollment verification dates, re-certification dates.

Data downloaded on 1/26/2024. Completed 01/26/2024
rn7131478567 City of Albany, CA Local Government

Residential usage data for the city, split by commodity, zip code, and single family vs. multifamily.

Did not sign TOS and then no communication for an extended period, so request cancelled. Canceled 08/29/2024
rn2420806842 County of Humboldt Planning & Building Local Government


The requestor has asked that the data request be withdrawn. Canceled 03/15/2024
rn3121885290 County of Santa Barbara Local Government

Counts of customers on Demand Response programs, by city, for Santa Barbara county.

Data sent via encrypted email on 5/6/2024. Email included a release for publication. Completed 05/06/2024
rn1373437704 City of Eureka Local Government

2022 Usage by Sector, with number of customers and CO2 emissions.

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/27. Completed 01/08/2024
rn2286516755 City of Ferndale Local Government


Cancelled on 3/28 due to lack of communication / progress. Canceled 03/28/2024
rn5456315383 City of Trinidad Local Government


The requestor has asked that the data request be withdrawn. Canceled 03/13/2024
rn1418837650 UC Berkeley Academic Researcher

Usage data by location (both monthly and interval) for two sets of customers as defined by requestor; first set is defined by address list from researcher.

Data provided on 1/7/2025. Completed 02/14/2025
