Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn3212150838 County of Monterey Local Government


Data request was more properly directed to our Community Inventories program. Canceled 09/23/2021
rn3291649829 County of Marin Local Government

Yearly gas and electric usage for all the cities in Marin County, split into residential and non-residential sectors.

Data sent via encrypted email on 11/30/2021 Completed 10/27/2021
rn2663375940 City of Fairfield Local Government


The city is seeking data that is not allowable under EDRP, but which they can get from their Local Community Relationship Manager (LCRM). Referred them to their LCRM. Canceled 09/30/2021
rn1516730154 San Ramon, City of Local Government


Request moved from EDRP to Green Communities program. Canceled 11/10/2021
rn1479976621 Iowa State University ECPE Academic Researcher


Effectively a duplicate of rn7917189296. Both requests consolidated into rn7917189296. Canceled 01/18/2022
rn1127566013 City of Novato Local Government

Number of customers on Solar Choice 100% plans, split into residential and non-residential.

Sent data via encrypted email on 3/7/2022 Completed 02/09/2022
rn7917189296 Iowa State University ECPE Academic Researcher


Could not arrive at a useful data description that meets EDRP guidelines and communication stopped. Canceled 02/23/2022
rn1988425723 Ca Dep. of Community Services & Dev. Community Services & Development

Average usage and billing amount per household, and total number of residential households, by county, for residential households in PG&E's service territory.

Data sent to CSD via encrypted email on 2/2/2022 Completed 01/27/2022
rn1384229486 Bay Area Environmental Research Institut Academic Researcher


It is not clear that BAERI can meet EDRP eligibility requirements for their request. No communication from them for months; considered withdrawn as of 9/15/2022 Canceled 09/15/2022
rn2004384350 City of Vacaville Local Government

Aggregated 2019 usage data by sector.

Request withdrawn by City of Vacaville on 3/3/2021 Canceled 04/07/2021
