Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn3806961698 UC Davis ARE Department Academic Researcher

Anonymized residential customer usage and EE program data for Sonoma, Napa, Yolo, Solano, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz counties

Data downloaded on 3/4/2021 Completed 03/04/2021
rn1236401353 Duke University Academic Researcher


Duplicate of rn2951341580 Completed 04/05/2019
rn2155980333 City of San Jose Local Government

Electric and Gas usage, by year, by zip code for 2012-2017.

Data sent by encrypted email on 3/12. Completed 12/12/2018
rn1547103014 Merced CED Department Local Government

Aggregated gas and electric usage for Unincorporated Merced County, 1/1/2016 – 12/31/2017, for residential and non-residential customers

Data sent via encrypted email on 3/15 Completed 02/06/2019
rn2616856558 UC Davis Inst. of Transportation Studies Academic Researcher

Grid data.

Request is for data not covered under the EDRP program. Canceled 02/21/2019
rn1520369940 Stanford University Academic Researcher

Daily or Monthly usage by zip code, preferably broken down by on and off peak.

Requester did not provide IRB; request is considered withdrawn. Canceled 01/24/2019
rn1379639998 City of Dixon Local Government


As per Dixon on 12/19, they are going to use Green Com Report instead. Canceled 12/31/2018
rn1317094882 City of Berkeley Local Government

Aggregated electric and gas usage for 2018, by month.

Data sent via encrypted email on 3/14 Completed 01/22/2019
rn3005655909 City of Fremont Local Government

Annual electricity and natural gas use for the calendar years 2016 and 2018, separated by residential and nonresidential uses

Data sent via encrypted email on 2/25 Completed 02/25/2019
rn3238390862 Department of Community Services and Dev Community Services & Development

Average Cost and Average usage for Electricity and Natural Gas for all residential PG&E customers by month, separated by county.

Data sent via encrypted email on 3/26/2019. Completed 03/26/2019
