Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn3320215259 County of Santa Barbara Local Government

Aggregated energy usage data and customer counts, by sector, for City of Arcata in 2018

Data provided by secure email on 2/11/2020 Completed 12/19/2019
rn1621308987 The Regents of the University of Califor Academic Researcher

Detailed electric usage for Yuron, Delano, and Fresno.

File corruption issue necessitated re-uploading and re-downloading the files. This was completed on 9/4/2020. Completed 11/26/2020
rn6686876109 City of Sunnyvale Local Government

Total usage and number of billed days, split by commodity and residential vs. non-residential, for 2019.

Data sent on 3/5 via encrypted email. Completed 02/12/2020
rn2770190546 University of California, Davis CWEE Academic Researcher

Interval and identifying information for all customers on agricultural rate schedules in zip codes specified by UCD. Also matching PG&E pump test data where available.

Initial file availability on 5/20 with download on 5/22 but there were problems with two files that delayed final download till 6/22/2020. Completed 06/19/2020
rn1743780563 EES Consulting, Inc. Local Government


Request is not an EDRP request; it is a CCA related request which goes through a separate team within PG&E. Canceled 01/14/2020
rn2201998501 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Anonymized usage data for the PG&E service territory.

Data was on hold for an extended period pending CCA data approval. Data available for download as of 12/30/2020. Completed 06/03/2021
rn3246863720 Ca Dep. of Community Services & Dev. Community Services & Development

Average usage and billing amount per household, and total number of residential households, by county, for residential households in PG&E's service territory.

Data sent via encrypted email on 4/7/2020. Completed 02/26/2020
rn1942168739 University of California Berkeley Academic Researcher


Withdrawn by requester. Canceled 02/20/2020
rn1810768592 Town of Los Altos Hills Local Government


Cancelled for no communication / reply from requestor. Canceled 03/04/2020
rn2566744986 Spring Creek Apartments Community Services & Development


Requester is not eligible for the EDRP program. Canceled 02/11/2020
