Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn1841522734 County of Marin Local Government

Yearly gas and electric usage for all the cities in Marin County, split into residential and non-residential sectors.

Data sent by encrypted email on 7/1 Completed 07/18/2019
rn2186072253 UCLA Academic Researcher

Anonymized monthly usage/billing and daily usage for customers with a disconnect and for a random sample of customers across 800 Zip codes.

Data provided on 1/15/2020; downloaded on 1/16/2020. Completed 01/15/2020
rn2616585380 City of South San Francisco Local Government

Aggregated monthly electric and gas consumption for 2006– 2018, split by residential vs. non-residential.

Data delivered via encrypted email on 10/8 Completed 10/01/2019
rn1997400686 PESD; Stanford University Academic Researcher

Interval data from 1/1/2012 to 7/31/2018 for CSI customers and a randomly selected control group.

Duplicate request. Canceled 07/18/2019
rn1333815258 AMBAG Energy Watch Local Government


Request was not a valid EDRP request; directed requester to the PG&E Green Communities program, which should provide the desired data through a different route. Canceled 07/31/2019
rn7872919591 University of California, Santa Cruz State or Federal Agency


Request is not eligible for EDRP; directed requestor to the Building Benchmarking Program which would be the correct avenue for the data requested. Canceled 07/31/2019
rn2777282957 Michigan State University Academic Researcher

Anonymized interval usage and usage related data for Pay for Performance (P4P) program users and a random sample of non-P4P users.

Data available for download as of 5/22/2020 but there have been delays with MSU being ready/able to download the data and begin work. Completed 08/18/2020
rn2951341580 Duke University Academic Researcher

Anonymized, random sample, residential usage, billing, and program information for PG&E's service territory.

Data downloaded by Duke on 4/5/2019 Completed 03/27/2019
rn5583152240 City of Piedmont Local Government

Annual electricity and natural gas use within the City/Town of Piedmont for the calendar year 2017, separated by residential and nonresidential uses.

Data sent via encrypted email on 12/6. Completed 12/07/2018
rn3057644206 City of Dublin Local Government

Annual electricity and natural gas use within the City of Dublin for the calendar year 2017, separated by residential and nonresidential uses.

Cancelled by municipality on 9/17 after receipt of Green Communities Report. Canceled 09/19/2018
