Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn7405049065 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory State or Federal Agency

Electric usage and billing by census block, plus meter type and multifamily information.

Cancelled: PNNL did not meet the requirements to make a request. Canceled 04/10/2018
rn1063228690 Gazarian Real Estate Center, CSUF Academic Researcher

Installation date (where available) and address for all Solar installations in Fresno County.

Data delivered via encrypted email on 3/2/2020. Completed 02/19/2020
rn2415181507 UCD Center for Water-Energy Efficiency Academic Researcher

Interval and identifying information for all customers on agricultural rate schedules in zip codes specified by UCD. Also matching PG&E pump test data where available.

Data posted and downloaded on 6/24 Completed 06/21/2019
rn2272871106 Yale University Academic Researcher


This is a duplicate of rn1522571019 Canceled 05/30/2018
rn1883517888 UCD Center for Water-Energy Efficiency Academic Researcher

Premise ID (anonymized), Service Agreement ID (anonymized), location information, electric rate schedule and consumption, and Energy Efficiency Program Data

CPUC notification letter sent on 5/17/2018. Data due NET 6/14 and NLT 6/28. Completed 07/18/2018
rn9909387956 Butte County Local Government

Aggregated usage and emissions information, by customer sector, by year.

Resolved with PG&E Green Communities reports; not proceeding with request. Canceled 09/26/2018
rn3244381982 County of San Luis Obispo Local Government

Aggregated data on energy efficiency program and solar implementations for a County specified set of seven-digit zip codes.

Data delivered by secure email on 8/6 and 8/7 2018. Completed 06/19/2018
rn2492066026 County of San Luis Obispo Local Government

Aggregated counts of residents on the CARE rate, by month and year for seven digit zip codes (list provided by the County).

Data due NET 9/6 and NLT 9/20. Completed 08/13/2018
rn2633350000 County of Santa Barbara Local Government

Aggregated monthly electricity usage (kWh) and the total number of accounts for both residential and commercial (excluding industrial) users

Sent via encrypted email on 9/27 Completed 08/17/2018
rn7088501895 City of Richmond Local Government

Annual electricity and natural gas use within Richmond for the calendar year 2017, separated by residential and nonresidential uses

Request withdrawn by the city. Canceled 09/28/2018
