Customer Data Access Programs

For more information on PG&E’s customer data access programs, see

Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC)

The Energy Data Access Committee helps set direction for release of usage data under D.14-05-016. Learn more >>.

Current and Prior Data Requests

Request ID Complete Request Received Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Comment Status* Date Closed
rn1765829728 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Researcher

Agricultural water pumping study

Data has been re-worked/expanded and was re-downloaded on 3/21. Reported on 1Q18 Quarterly Notification Advice Letter. Completed 03/20/2018
rn1376754708 City of Emeryville Local Government

Annual electricity and annual gas use within the City of Emeryville separated by RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL USAGE.

Cancelled as per municipality's request in 9/19 email from Emeryville. Canceled 09/25/2018
rn2083094219 Tulare County Local Government

2016 - 2017 Usage data from Tulare County's account for their government operations and aggregated community data for residential, commercial, and industrial customers in unincorporated Tulare County.

Request for annual consumption for Climate Action Planning was referred to local manager to access PG&E's pre-formatted GHG Inventory Reports. Canceled 11/13/2017
rn2351863545 City of Union City Local Government

Total annual electricity and natural gas usage data for Residential and Commercial/Industrial, and also for city facilities and Streetlight & Traffic Signals. Data requested for climate action or energy efficiency program planning

Requester referred to PG&E's annually released GHG Inventory reports. Canceled 08/16/2017
rn1522571019 Yale University Academic Researcher

Usage, billing, program participation, and location data for customers in a series of cities determined by Yale.

Data downloaded on 11/9. Completed 09/28/2018
rn3004146998 University of Virginia Academic Researcher

2012-2017 Interval and billing data for non-residential and multi-family buildings in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Santa Barbara, San Mateo

Could not resolve UVA issues with the standard NDA. Canceled 09/26/2018
rn2605742428 City of Ceres Local Government

2014 - 2016 annual gas consumption data to be used for a greenhouse gas baseline inventory as part of the General Plan Update process.

Requester was referred to PG&E's Green Communities for data already published for their GHG inventory reporting needs. Canceled 06/15/2017
rn2469342276 Town of Portola Valley Local Government

2014 and 2015 energy usage data solar installations electric vehicles

Referred to PG&E's annually released GHG inventory reports on May 18 and June 28. Canceled EDRP request on August 16 due to no response. Canceled 08/16/2017
rn2148812416 University of San Francisco Academic Researcher

All addresses in the county of San Francisco that currently have installed solar PV systems connected to the PGE net metering system. What is the system capacity, date that the system was brought online and the vendor of that system.

Canceled request due to no response to PG&E request for additional information in May. Canceled 09/29/2017
rn2328740572 Purdue University Academic Researcher

Solar PV related data including the precise address of each installed solar PV project in your database.

Request is cancelled at Purdue's request. Canceled 02/16/2018
